Anthony Painter

Anthony Painter

Queensland Australia X/Twitter

Anthony is a construction professional with more than 24 years of experience in residential construction with a bachelors degree in Construction Management + Cert 4 in Waterproofing + WHS Officer

397 posts
A guide to builders speak (jargon)

A guide to builders speak (jargon)

Confused by builders' jargon like 'joist,' 'rafters,' or 'fascia'? Our comprehensive guide demystifies common construction terms, helping homeowners navigate conversations with builders. Understand the lingo, from 'abutment' to 'weephole,' ensuring your building project aligns with your vision.

Hello there, I'm Anthony Painter

Hello there, I'm Anthony Painter

Home builders are not very good at communicating with their clients. This leads to frustration, high emotions & tension during the building process. I started Constructor to try and empower you with information to help make building your first home a less scary & frustrating experience.

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