Why are post comments turned off?

Website comment sections are sometimes misused for spam and to create SEO backlinks to other sites, which can be a significant issue. Even more concerning, some individuals use these comment sections to run scams or fake giveaways, taking advantage of people's goodwill. To address these concerns, we've disabled public post comments. However, if you subscribe as a free member, you'll be able to comment on our posts. Please refer to our Commenting Policy for more details.

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How are you different from other sites?

We have been building homes in Queensland for over 25 years, unlike some of the other sites, which are run by developers and content writers/entrepreneurs (neither of whom are actually builders).

What's different about your content compared to others?

Details make all the difference. We share information with you, such as detailed checklists, that other sites do not even know exist, since they have never used them or built them for a working environment (construction site). Our products have all been made by us and used to build our own homes and the homes of our clients. Time tested.

You place a lot of emphasis on checklists, why is that?

If its good enough for pilots and doctors its good enough for builders and home owners.

Atul Gawande, a professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School and a staff writer at The New Yorker, he argues in his book (The Checklist Manfesto) that checklists can help us manage the extreme complexity of the modern world. In medicine, he writes, the problem is "making sure we apply the knowledge we have consistently and correctly." Failure, he argues, results not so much from ignorance (not knowing enough about what works) as from ineptitude (not properly applying what we know works).

Checklists are the easiest way to apply what we know works!

Why do you charge for access to paid content?

We believe that distilling 25 years of construction management and site experience into a relatively small fee (especially when compared to the cost of a new home) allows us to continue creating valuable content for you. Our premium content includes consolidated checklists developed over decades of hands-on construction management. We’ve also read and summarized relevant Australian Standards and industry publications to produce these abridged checklists, which are available to you as a paid subscriber.

Are my credit card details safe and secure?

Absolutely. We do not handle any of your credit card information. Stripe is the payment provider (see below)

Stripe sensitive data and communication encryption

All card numbers are encrypted at rest with AES-256. Decryption keys are stored on separate machines. 

Anyone involved with the processing, transmission, or storage of card data must comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS). Stripe has been audited by an independent PCI Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) and is certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.

PCI compliance is a shared responsibility and applies to both Stripe and your business. When accepting payments, you must do so in a PCI compliant manner. The simplest way for you to be PCI compliant is to never see (or have access to) card data at all. Stripe makes this easy for you as we can do the heavy lifting to protect your customers’ card information.

In short, this means that we do not see or store or have access to your credit card data on our servers because it is sent directly to Stripe. We do not handle any sensitive data on our server. This means that a breach of our servers wouldn’t result in any stolen credit card data.