You're scrolling through your social media feeds and an ad pops up for the latest gadget you've been eyeing. Your heart skips a beat - it's on sale for an incredible price, but only for the next 24 hours. FOMO (fear of missing out) kicks in. You click 'buy now' before your rational brain has time to consider if you actually need it or can afford it.

Marketers know your emotions are their secret weapon. They tap into feelings like fear, greed, and pleasure to compel you into making purchases. They use psychological tricks to override your logical reasoning and get you reaching for your wallet. The good news is, once you understand the tactics, you can build up your immunity. You can resist the urge to buy on impulse and only spend on the things that really matter to you.

Keep reading to find out how marketers manipulate your emotions, the sneaky techniques they employ, and how you can outsmart them at their own game. You'll never look at ads the same way again.

2 white and black ceramic egg figurines
Photo by Karan Mandre / Unsplash

Understanding Marketing Tactics and Strategy

Marketing Tactics and Your Emotions

Marketers know how to push your emotional buttons to compel you to buy. They tap into powerful psychological motivators like pleasure, pain, fear, greed, and FOMO (fear of missing out) to influence your spending decisions.

Fear and greed are highly effective. Fear of missing a "great deal" or the latest trend pressures you to buy quickly before the opportunity is gone. The promise of big rewards, status, or exclusivity plays to your greed.

FOMO, the anxiety from the possibility of missing out on a rewarding experience, drives impulse purchases and “must-have” items. No one wants to be left out or seem out of the loop. Marketers create hype and the illusion of scarcity to trigger your FOMO and get you to buy on the spot.

Pleasure and pain are also used against you. "Retail therapy" taps into the pleasure centres of your brain. The thrill of a new purchase temporarily boosts your mood and happiness. Conversely, marketers will highlight the pain or annoyance of not having their product to compel you to buy to relieve that discomfort.

Knowing these tactics can help you spot when they're being used and resist the urge to make impulse buys. Take time to evaluate if you really need the item and how you'll use it. Ask yourself if you're buying due to fear, greed, or anxiety - or just pure pleasure. Make informed decisions and don't let your emotions lead you into hasty purchases you may later regret. Stay in control of your spending by understanding the psychology behind marketing.

person holding yellow banana fruit
Photo by Dainis Graveris / Unsplash

Targeting Human Psychology - Pleasure, Pain and Fear

Marketers are master manipulators, using human psychology against us to compel us to buy. Two of their favourite tactics are targeting our desire for pleasure and fear of pain or missing out.


We all seek enjoyment and marketers know this, using messages implying their product will bring us happiness, satisfaction or bliss. From indulgent food ads to the latest tech gadget, they suggest owning the item will enrich our lives. The fear of sacrificing pleasure leads us to whip out our wallets.

Fear and FOMO

Playing on our anxieties is an age-old trick. Ads warning us of the perils of bad breath or body odour incite fear of social rejection if we don't buy their product. The dread of missing an opportunity or experience, known as FOMO (fear of missing out), is also exploited. Time-limited offers, scarce availability and exclusivity are used to panic us into making a quick purchase.

The next time an ad makes you suddenly yearn for something or feel distressed about a hypothetical situation, pause. Ask yourself if your reaction is rational or if your emotions are being manipulated. Staying self-aware and resisting impulse buys are the keys to outsmarting marketing mind games. Your bank balance and the planet will thank you.

nobody really cares if you don't go to the party poster
Photo by Sigmund / Unsplash

FOMO: The Fear of Missing Out

FOMO, or the Fear of Missing Out, is a powerful marketing tactic that plays on our innate desire to feel included and part of the crowd. Marketers know how badly we want to join in on popular trends, experiences and conversations, so they create a sense of urgency and scarcity around their products and services.

When you see phrases like “for a limited time only”, “only 2 left in stock!” or “sale ends tomorrow!”, it triggers that panicked feeling that if you don’t act now, you’ll miss your chance. Social media also amplifies FOMO. Seeing friends and influencers enjoying lavish experiences or the latest products makes us worry we’ll be left out or behind if we don’t keep up with the crowd.

FOMO is an especially crafty tactic because we often don’t even realise we’re being manipulated. We think we just really want those concert tickets, that new smartphone or to visit that trendy travel destination. But the truth is, clever marketers have manufactured that desire by making us feel inadequate without that thing or experience.

The key to overcoming FOMO is recognising when it’s happening. Ask yourself if you genuinely want something or mainly feel pressured to want it because of marketing tactics, social influence or scarcity messaging. FOMO usually passes quickly, so avoid making impulse purchases and wait 24 hours before deciding. Talk to others and see if they share the same fear of missing out - you may find the feeling isn't as widespread as marketers implied.

Staying off social media also helps. Take periodic breaks to avoid constant exposure to curated images of lavish lifestyles that fuel feelings of inadequacy and FOMO. When FOMO strikes, focus on the many things you already have and be grateful for them. Your worth isn’t defined by keeping up with marketing-manufactured trends. You have the power to decide what really matters to you.

kid sitting beside round cake close-up photography
Photo by Henley Design Studio / Unsplash

Appealing to Greed and Desire

Marketers are masters at appealing to human emotions to compel us into action. Two of the most powerful emotions they target are greed and desire - our innate drives for more and better. By tapping into these primal urges, they can motivate us to whip out our wallets with ease.

One of the most common tactics is offering limited-time deals or scarcity. This preys on our fear of missing out (FOMO) and desire not to lose an opportunity. Messages like “Only 2 left in stock!” or “Sale ends tomorrow!” trigger our greed and instant gratification-seeking behaviour. We worry the deal or item might disappear if we don’t act fast.

Another way marketers stoke our greed is through enticing images of lavish lifestyles. Ads showing expensive sports cars, luxury homes and exotic vacations activate our aspirations for a better life. Even if the product has nothing to do with wealth or status, associating it with these desires makes us want it more.

Upselling and cross-selling

Once you're on the hook, companies employ upselling and cross-selling to reel in bigger fish. Upselling convinces you to purchase a higher-priced, upgraded item. Cross-selling sells you complementary products to go with your purchase. Both strategies rely on highlighting how much better, easier or more complete your experience will be if you spend just a little (or a lot) more.

Of course, giving in to these emotional appeals and empty promises often leads to regret, debt and a hole in your wallet. The next time an ad or salesperson makes a grab for your greed and desires, pause to consider if you really need what they're selling. Your bank account will thank you.

painting of man
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor / Unsplash

Protecting Yourself: How to Spot and Resist Emotional Marketing

As consumers, we are constantly bombarded with emotional marketing tactics designed to override our rational thinking and compel us to make purchases we may later regret. The good news is, once you understand the tricks, you can spot them and resist the urge to react impulsively.

Fear of Missing Out

FOMO, or fear of missing out, is a powerful motivator. Marketers know we have a strong drive to stay included in our social circles and not miss out on popular trends or experiences. They use messages like “Limited time only!” or “Sale ends soon!” to trigger our fear of scarcity and missing an opportunity. Recognise when a sense of urgency is being manufactured to manipulate you into quick action. Take a step back and ask yourself if you really need the item or if you're reacting to pressure.

Greed and Pleasure

Our innate desires for reward, pleasure and gain are also commonly exploited. Free trials, buy-one-get-one offers and loyalty programmes are designed to tap into our greed and love of a good deal. Even when we don't need the product, the appeal of getting something extra makes us feel like we're getting one over on the company. Remember that if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Companies don't give away things for free unless they profit from it in the long run.

Pain Avoidance

Just as we are motivated to gain rewards, we work hard to avoid pain, loss and negative consequences. Marketers know this and create a sense of threat or impending doom if we don't buy their product or service. Security systems, insurance policies and health products in particular use fear of potential pain or loss to sell us peace of mind. Ask yourself if the threat is being overblown or if there are reasonable precautions you can take that don't require opening your wallet. Your fear may be misplaced.

The more aware you become of emotional marketing tactics, the less power they have over you. Stay rational, pause before reacting, and make deliberate spending choices that align with your actual needs and values. Your bank account and sense of inner calm will thank you.


So there you have it, the dark arts of emotional marketing laid bare. Now that you know the tricks, you'll start to see them everywhere. Fear, greed, pleasure, pain - your primal instincts are being hacked for profit every day. But forewarned is forearmed. Now you can spot when your buttons are being pushed and your purse strings pulled. You know why you suddenly need the latest shiny thing and how to resist the urge. Stay savvy, stay sceptical and stay strong. Don't let the FOMO win. You've got this! Keep your cash in your pocket and your emotions in check. Let the marketers manipulate someone else. You're too smart to fall for that now.

Further Reading

Understanding Customer Awareness in Residential Construction
Navigating the residential construction process for the first time? This guide breaks down the five crucial stages of customer awareness you’ll encounter. From problem recognition to post-purchase evaluation, arm yourself with the knowledge to make informed decisions.
Understanding TOF, MOF, BOF: How Project Builders Market
Curious about the influx of ads for new housing developments? This article explores the marketing tactics used by project builders, dissecting the ‘funnel’ method from awareness to purchase. Understand marketing strategies and make informed choices for your significant investment.
Project Builders: From Building Companies to Marketers
Explore the evolution of project builders from traditional construction companies to marketing-focused entities, offering standardised building products.