
Navigating the construction of a new home can be a complex and emotionally charged experience. One of the most crucial aspects of this process is maintaining a positive and productive relationship with your building supervisor. This relationship can significantly impact the success and smooth progression of your project.

In this post, we will explore practical tips to help you get along with your building supervisor, ensuring that both you and the supervisor can work together effectively.

Understanding Your Building Supervisor's Role

Your building supervisor has a challenging job that involves coordinating various aspects of the construction process. They typically work Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 5 pm, during which they are available for phone calls. However, respecting their work hours is essential, as they also need personal time away from work. It’s important to remember that constant communication outside of these hours can disrupt their work-life balance and may not yield immediate responses.

When I first started as a junior building supervisor, I kept my work phone on at all times, eager to be available for clients. This resulted in late-night and early-morning calls, which were intrusive and unnecessary. For example, I received calls late on Friday nights about minor issues and early on Sunday mornings about weather-related concerns. These interruptions can be overwhelming and lead to unnecessary stress for both the supervisor and the client.

Managing Expectations

Avoid sending multiple text messages or becoming agitated if your supervisor does not respond immediately. Remember, supervisors manage numerous projects simultaneously, involving hundreds of phone calls and communications with various stakeholders, including office staff, councils, developers, and finance companies. Patience and understanding are key to maintaining a good working relationship.

Each home they manage is important to them, as they aim to complete projects on time, within budget, and to the highest standards. While your project is a significant investment for you, it's essential to recognise that your building supervisor is working diligently to meet your expectations along with those of other clients.

Effective Communication Strategies

To address your concerns, arrange a meeting with your supervisor on-site. Prepare a list of questions beforehand and aim to meet every other week, depending on the urgency of your concerns. This approach ensures that issues are addressed efficiently without overburdening your supervisor. However, avoid marking every issue as urgent; doing so can diminish the urgency of truly critical matters.

Your building supervisor is your primary contact for all site-related questions. Their role includes coordinating site activities and ensuring quality standards are met. They are dedicated to building your home to the contract specifications and the quality standards expected by the industry and your builder.


Building a new home is a collaborative effort that requires clear communication and mutual respect. By understanding the responsibilities and limitations of your building supervisor, managing your expectations, and communicating effectively, you can foster a positive and productive relationship. This not only benefits the construction process but also ensures a smoother and more enjoyable experience for both parties.

If you find yourself feeling emotional about an issue, take a moment to pause, take a deep breath, and sleep on it before approaching your supervisor. Documenting concerns with photos and notes is invaluable, as keeping detailed records can be extremely helpful during the home-building process.

Further Reading

Protect Your Home: The Power of Site Photos
Uncover how taking site photos during construction can be a game-changer for homeowners. Learn about the subsidence policy and how documenting your build can save you from costly repairs and legal headaches.
Combat Memory Biases with Checklists, Photos & Site Diaries
Are you struggling with memory biases affecting your project decisions? Learn how to document every step of your project to ensure you’re making the most informed decisions. Don’t let memory trick you; read on!
Effective Site Supervision
This article outlines practical strategies to enhance construction efficiency, maintain accurate progress reports, and foster good communication with clients and trades. Key elements include planning site visits, maintaining progress charts, and managing unexpected challenges like weather delays.
Jim Rohn’s Wisdom Embrace Challenges Effective Communication
This article illuminates how harnessing the power of emotional connection in our communication, as suggested by Jim Rohn, can help transform challenges into opportunities for personal growth.
Why Communication Plans Are Crucial for Residential Builders
Ever wondered why your clients seem frustrated with their building project’s progress? The key could be in your communication strategy. This article delves into the importance of a solid communication management plan for residential builders.
The Importance of Communicating Client Installed Services
Effective communication between clients and builders about client-installed services, such as ducted air-conditioning and security cabling, is vital in residential construction. Informing builders of planned installations can prevent delays, additional costs, and ensure a smoother building process.
Unlocking Personal Growth Through Communication
This article discusses George Bernard Shaw’s perspective on the illusion of communication, highlighting its challenges, opportunities, and transformative power in fostering personal growth and enhancing life outcomes.